Posted at : 10/9/2022 - 6:09 pm

Squid Server !

• Weclome to the collaborative carrd of Squid server! There is basic info about everyone here in seperate pages ! !!! The carrd is finally done !!!
click the buttons to go to different pages !
Fully done : 19.2.2023Also known as squid server anniversary?!

Oceania !

Veer honey i see you stalking . . . ^^

- oceania.OR SECRET, dagger is my child , KYRAN IS MY CAT and i like to say REAL to everything, i'm nUMBER ONE VEER AND RAII HATER, i'm responsible for squid server members getting into this one very fandom CYRIN'S REAL LAWYER, I love squid server and all friends not even kidding bro. more info in real carrd . .

fang !

my names fang or angel, im an agender cupiromantic lesbian
i go by she/doll ++ more i like to
think i love niki and tatsumi a normal amount (im insane abt
both of them) my disc is >_<#6990
im also solar number one hater
i love femstars women make me meow meow


my name is kyran and i am a little silly guy
im a bisexual demiboy, i go by one/xore/fang/he + more prns
i have alot of interests but my hyperfixations as of now are MILGRAM project, witchs heart & okegom.. (i love kajiyama futa)

mimi !
•°. *࿐

hii! i'm mimi also go by lotus, i use all prns (even neos idm) i draw crochet and knit as hobbies!!! - games i like are overwatch valorant minecraft annd roblox hmu plz i need game friends - in love with music tbh - I LOVEEE MY SQUIDIE FRIENDS SMMM MY BESTEST FRIENDS FL/P discord mei lover mimi#9804

dagger !

i go by dagger/jesse and i love ivlis and maeno from the hit games OKEGOM and ZENO. i am gay nonbinary and i use they/xe/love. HYPERFIXATED ON ZENO AND OKEFOM AND I HATE WILARDO FROM WITCHS HEART.